A few success stories. 

Here is what other instructors have to say about adding PlantMaster to their curriculum.

“I have been using PlantMaster as a tool for my classes for over 3 years. As a fellow horticuluralist and plant ID professor, I can’t recommend this resource enough.


PlantMaster offers a one-stop shop for organizing your plant ID course, including curated photographs and detailed plant information! The ability to add plants to the database, tweak the plant details, and add or remove photographs, allows for you to customize the database if you wish.


At this point I can create plant lists in minutes. Each week, all my students have free access to my plant ID lists with excellent images, and many students opt to pay a small price to use the quiz tool and other functionality. I am constantly impressed by Gerry and the PlantMaster team who offer unparalleled support and are constantly working to make the software even better.”

Joel R. Grogan | Professor of Environmental Horticulture at Santa Rosa Junior College

“Maybe you found yourself in a similar situation as I did during the pandemic. I heard it best described, “They’re asking us to change the tires while driving down the highway!” when Auburn decided to teach remotely halfway through the semester. It was difficult for me to teach online effectively because I had no virtual content prepared for my courses. But because we care, we made it happen. I wanted to share with you one of the more valuable resources I had during this time.


A friend of mine teaching plant ID in Southern California introduced me to Gerry Kiffe, the creator and curator of PlantMaster (https://plantmaster.com/). I simply wanted to provide our students with supplemental online information, but it can be much more. Gerry set me up with a free account and has worked tirelessly to add the species (all of our oaks!) and cultivars we teach to his plant library. My plant lists in both my ID courses are now on PlantMaster and accessible to our students. The students get access to a high-resolution library of photos for each species, descriptions of each plant, and a spectacular practice quiz tool. It works well for all of us, regardless of where we are in the country, because it’s completely customizable. The plants and information my students see are my photos, my notes, my cultural use. It’ll be my “textbook” next year.


I promise I’m not a paid sponsor despite the infomercial-ish note. I just appreciate Gerry and his help during this time. Reach out to him if you want to incorporate something like this into your class. He’s got a great product that’s continually improving.”

Paul C. Bartley | Assistant Horticulture Professor at Auburn University

“The visual aspect of plant database was excellent in high resolution with many different angles of plant images. Drilling-down search function was quite intuitive and logical to follow, generating the useful information at the end.


Besides the PlantMaster application presentation, Gerry was gracious to share his personal experience in landscape business where he had been in for more than 30 years.”

Ken Lee | Department Co-Chair at Saddleback College

“I just want to thank PlantMaster for all of your help these past years in making our Plant Identification class, here at Delta College, work like a charm! PlantMaster is a very valuable educational tool for both instruction at colleges and business opportunities in the landscape design profession. The content you have on your website is outstanding, with outstanding images and descriptive details of growing conditions and habitats and usages in the landscapes.


Since my lectures are now virtual, the resources that I can use in PlantMaster has made my lecture material even more fluid and relevant. PlantMaster is my only required “textbook” and your student discount for each semester is very reasonable. Students are enjoying PlantMaster as much as I do! Please keep up the good plant news and database accumulation.


Oh, I forgot to add another thing that is very important to me as an instructor. PlantMaster allows the instructor to “edit” each plant, add images and more descriptive analysis to cover that particular semesters plant list. A very valuable feature indeed for instructors.


Thank you for all of your help these past semesters!

James “Jim” Husting | Adjunct Associate Professor at Delta College

“On behalf of the faculty and students of the LA2121 class, we would like to thank you for presenting and demonstrating your fantastic Plantmaster software program.  Your explanation of the depth of the plant database, the beautiful and effective photos were very impressive.  The program’s ability to search with various criteria (plant zones, plant type, and other plant characteristics, etc.) made for tremendous ease and time saving to research for desirable plants.


The ease in gathering all of the selected plants, their characteristics, and putting it into a very comprehensive presentation makes it a very impressive and desirable tool.  The fact that so many students and faculty reached out to you after the presentation for your company information was a testament to the desirability of the program.  Thank you again for sharing with us your fantastic plant program.

Glenn Matsui | Landscape Architect/Adjunct Faculty at Cal Poly Pomona

“Our department appreciates the time and information that PlantMaster has invested to support the learning of our local horticultural and landscape architecture students.


This investment enables our students to be better prepared for a career in the landscape industry and allows instructors the use of easily accessible tools to support a productive horticultural learning environment.”

Michelle Landis | Landscape Architect/Adjunct Faculty at Southwestern College