14 Apr Hot Color, Dry Garden
Hot Color Dry Garden:
Inspiring Designs and Vibrant Plants for the Waterwise Gardener
Dry weather defines the southwest, and it’s getting dryer. As water becomes more precious, our gardens suffer. If we want to keep gardening, we must revolutionize our plant choices and garden practices. Hot Color, Dry Garden provides home gardeners with a joyful, color-filled way to exuberantly garden in low-water conditions. Garden expert Nan Sterman highlights inspiring examples of brilliant gardens filled with water-smart plants. Gardeners will find advice for adding color to the garden, information about designing for structure and texture, and a plant directory that features drought-tolerant plants that dazzle. Hot Color, Dry Garden is a must-have guide for gardeners in the Southwest and other areas affected by drought and low-water conditions.
Purchase this Book“Gardeners in water-challenged areas will find here expert guidance in plant selection for optimum color impact.” —Library Journal starred review
About the Author:
Nan Sterman
Nan’s approach is uniquely her own. Because of her biology background, Nan understands the plants and the land in ways few other designers do. As a California native, the seasons, soils, and waterwise practices are in her DNA. She has been a long time proponent of drip irrigation and installed her first drip system in her own garden in 1986. Today, Nan spends much of her time working on her award-winning TV show, A Growing Passion. The show airs on public television in San Diego and is online at www.AGrowingPassion.com.