12 Sep Create a New Project
A PlantMaster project is your place to store plants in groups. You can name your projects whatever you like – create a project for every client project or make one specifically for your favorite yellow-flowered trees.
You can also use your PlantMaster project to communicate with your customers. For example, if you’re working on a front yard design and you’ve added all your plant choices to a project. When you’re ready to start plant selection with your client, you can email a link of the project and start narrowing down their choices together.
Here’s how you can create projects in PlantMaster.
Navigate to “Projects” from the main menu.
In the main menu, find “Projects” from your options and click. This will open the “Projects” workspace.
Create a new Project
Now that you are in the project workspace you will see many different options. Going down the left side of the page, you will see a vertical menu – this menu contains all your tools for managing your project and the reports you can make from those projects. To create a new project, scroll down the page until you see “Project Actions”.
Click on “Create a New Project”.
In the pop up window, type in the name of your project and click “Create Project”. You can always change the name of the project at a later date.
Now that you’ve created a new project you’ll notice the project name appears in a few places. You’ll see it a drop down menu on the left side of the page as well as at the very top of the workspace. Whenever you are working on a project or making changes, make sure the correct project is selected by using the dropdown menu.
Fill in the rest of the project information
At the top of the page you will see your project information. Fill out any missing information, including your customer’s name, address, phone number, and any special notes about the project. (Your customer will not see these notes)
Congratulations, you’ve successfully made a project.
That’s all there is to it! Create and name projects in whatever way works best for you. We’ve seen some users create projects for every customer and others create projects based on plant type or flower color – its up to you!
Now its time to add some plants to this project!
Make sure to read this article{link to adding plants to a project} on how to add or remove plants from your projects.
- Projects are listed in the dropdown menu in alphabetical order. Keep this in mind when you name your projects. One idea to consider – if you have 3 current projects running at the same time, add the letters “A-” (So “Adam’s Front Yard” becomes “A-Adam’s Front Yard) to the front of the name so the projects appear first in your list. Then when you are ready to share the project or a report with your customer, remove the “A-” so it doesn’t show.
- Any notes you add to the project will not be visible to your customer. This makes it a great place to place any reminders about specific plants they like or don’t like or anything unusual about the project that you don’t want to forget.